When Brands Display Pronoun-Sensitivity
By Jamie Nonis
There’s no doubt brands are getting woke on the need for diversity. They’re rolling out rainbow-tinted Pride collections and communications targeting the LGBTQ+ community. While it is fabulous to witness and does convey a progressive stance, such brands do also run the risk of being accused of rainbow-washing, if there’s no follow through or community involvement and support beyond the product.
It’s amazing and wonderful how much we’ve progressed, to the point that we are, these days, so quick to call out brands that fail on the diversity front. And rightly so.
But what about those that are doing it right?
I don’t think we celebrate them enough.
So I’d like to share a personal story and why I have such respect for brands that actually walk the talk.
A few months ago, way before I officially came out as trans, someone from the BMW Singapore team asked me what’s my preferred pronoun, as they were intending to share one of my posts on their official social channels and wanted to reference me respectfully.
Then when I publicly came out as trans two weeks ago, a different individual from the team reached out to me personally to also ask about my preferred pronoun so they could update their database accordingly.
This thing about pronouns is not something in the forefront of my mind nor is it something I get vexed about to be honest.
It is a minor act, but it is a major affirmation and it means so much to me... To be seen, to be acknowledged, to be respected in that regard. Which is a stark difference from the typical treatment us trans folk tend to get in society.
To date, BMW is the first and only brand to demonstrate such an exemplary level of sensitivity and I am honestly surprised and so very touched <3